Why Accreditation?

In the age of multifaceted ways and means to access knowledge, students, parents and employers need third-party accreditation as a quality assurance that the school or higher education institution voluntarily undergone an external and independent appraisal of its business and management models, as well as the quality and the learning experience of its students. Programmatic accreditation by the Canadian Education Quality Assessment Council is mission-driven and outcomes-based and involves an independent, external evaluation of the courses and programs offered by an institution’s academic unit. The effectiveness of the academic unit is evaluated by reviewing the educational processes related to teaching and learning in the institution,and by assessing the outcomes of the teaching-learning process.

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School Accreditation

The CEQAC accreditation process by which schools are evaluated by an external organization to determine if they meet certain standards and criteria. Accreditation is important for a number of reasons:

1- Quality assurance: Accreditation helps to ensure that schools and other educational institutions are providing a high-quality education to their students. It provides assurance to students, parents, and the community that the school is meeting certain standards of excellence.

2- Transferability of credits: If a student attends a school that is accredited, it is more likely that credits earned at that school will be accepted by other institutions. This is important for students who may want to transfer to another school or university in the future.

3- Financial aid: Many schools that are accredited by a recognized accrediting organization are eligible to receive federal financial aid. This can be an important factor for students who are relying on financial aid to help pay for their education.

4- Professional recognition: Many professional organizations and licensing boards require that applicants have a degree from an accredited institution. This means that graduates of accredited schools may have an advantage when seeking employment or professional certification.

Higher Education

The CEQAC accreditation process for higher education institutions is designed to ensure they meet CEQAC standards of quality and provide a high-quality education to their students. CEQAC accreditation process involves the following steps:

1- Self-study: Universities typically begin the accreditation process by conducting a self-study, during which they assess their strengths and weaknesses and identify areas for improvement. The self-study report is typically reviewed by the university's faculty, staff, and students and by an external accrediting agency.

2- On-site evaluation: After completing the self-study report, an on-site evaluation team from the accrediting agency will visit the university to assess the institution firsthand. The team will review the self-study report, observe classes and other university activities, and meet with faculty, staff, and students.

3- Review and decision: After the on-site evaluation, the accrediting agency will review the self-study report and the findings of the on-site evaluation team. Based on this review, the agency will decide whether to grant the university accreditation, place the university on probation, or withdraw accreditation.

4- Follow-up: If the university is granted accreditation, it will be required to submit periodic reports to CEQAC to demonstrate that it is continuing to meet the CEQAC's standards. If the university is placed on probation, it will be required to take specific actions to address the issues identified during the accreditation process.

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