Membership Benefits

CEQAC membership benefits schools, higher education institutions, and faculty members. Some of the benefits of CEQAC membership include:

Access to professional development opportunities: CEQAC offers workshops, conferences, and other professional development opportunities with special access for members. These can be an excellent way to stay up-to-date on the latest research and trends in your field, as well as to network with other professionals.

Funding opportunities: CEQAC members can be invited to co-participate in grants and awards, which can provide financial support for research or other academic pursuits.

Access to resources: CEQAC provides members with access to a range of resources, such as research databases, journals, and other publications.

Networking opportunities: CEQAC members have opportunities to connect with other institutions or professionals in the field, share knowledge and can help find job openings, collaborate on research or seek advice and mentorship.

Professional recognition: CEQAC membership indicates that institutions are committed to and are actively engaged in the e academic community.

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Other Benefits

Member Only resource library: The CEQAC Member Only resource library includes a variety of tools to assist with preparing an outcomes assessment plan and developing a self-study. In addition, unique topic articles related to outcomes assessment and accreditation are available to CEQAC members.

Access to mentoring and consulting services: CEQAC conducts various workshops to help members prepare for accreditation, develop a strategic plan, or improve curriculum and program. Services include on-site workshops for accreditation, special topic workshops, and customized workshops.

Access to professional development and leadership opportunities: The CEQAC is a member-led organization that provides a variety of professional development and leadership opportunities to its members at reduced rates.

Reduced rates for CEQAC conferences and workshops, mentoring and consulting services: As a thank-you for your membership, the CEQAC offers a reduced registration rate for the CEQAC events, special pricing packages for workshop attendance, and reduced rates for a mentor and consulting visits.

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